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Deli and Pasta Salads
Who says salad has to be relegated to lettuce, carrots, and tomatoes? At Pavilions, we put a spin on the unexpected with delectable deli salads, including pasta salad and every picnic's favorite sidekick, potato salad.
Our deli salads are made fresh so you simply have to stop by and pick one out. Choose from savory chicken salad, kid-approved macaroni salad, and every other variety in between. Looking for a dessert salad? Pick up an ambrosia salad.
Deli salads are an ideal side dish for parties, celebrations, and outdoor events. Prepackaged and easy to transport, you can bring a deli salad with you on your next adventure. Whether you're looking for seafood salad, taboule salad, Greek salad, or a variety of greens made with chicken and all the fixings, our deli has a long lineup for classic and new salads.
Our deli salads will save you valuable time in the kitchen – and provide an easy, convenient way to add variety and excitement to your next meal. Stop by your neighborhood Pavilions today for a deli salad.
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